Our trained and qualified staff are excited to serve the community through the Crime Victim Assistance Center and Children's Advocacy Center.
From direct services and forensic interviewing to community outreach and education, our team works with law enforcement, Child Protective Services and local businesses/organizations to better serve victims of abuse.
From direct services and forensic interviewing to community outreach and education, our team works with law enforcement, Child Protective Services and local businesses/organizations to better serve victims of abuse.
Briona Sattarphai, LMSW
Susan LockeFinance ManagerSusan serves as the Finance/Grant Manager for the Eastland County Crisis Center.
She earned her Bachelor’s Degree in Business Administration-Accounting from Tarleton State University and worked in the public accounting industry for 13 years. Susan has one daughter, Lillie. She enjoys watching football, cooking, listening to music and spending time with her family. Susan’s role model is her father who raised her to have a strong work ethic, be independent, fair, patient and stand for your beliefs Favorite quote: “The time is always right to do what is right” -Martin Luther King, Jr. |
Erin Mayes, JD
Callie boydvictim services specialist iCallie serves as the Victim Service Specialist I for the Children's Advocacy Center.
She earned her Bachelor's Degree in Social Work from Tarleton State University in 2018, and is trained Victim Advocate and Forensic Interviewer. She enjoys reading, watching football and spending time with friends and family. Callie's goals include moving into advance forensic interviewing and to bring awareness to the community on child abuse and its negative impacts on the brain. A middle child of three girls, Callie's role models are her parents, who she says are the definition of kind souls. Favorite quote: "Compassion isn't about solutions. It's about giving all the love that you've got." -Cheryl Strayed |
olivia jacksonfamily advocateOlivia serves as the Family Advocate for the Crime Victim Assistance Center.
She earned her Bachelor's Degree in Family and Consumer Sciences with an emphasis in Child and Family Studies from Tarleton State University. As a 8-year veteran in the field and at the Eastland County Crisis Center, she also serves as the agency's Child Protective Services Liaison. She is a daughter who loves spending time with her family, especially her niece and nephew. Her hobbies include photography, creativity, reading and music. Her career goals include expanding her role as CPS Liaison and completing her National Advocate Credentialing Program(NACP). Olivia's role model is her dad, who she says had a kind and caring heart. She takes the memory of her dad with her in everything she does and everywhere she goes. Favorite quote: “I’ve learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.” – Maya Angelou |
maria hernandezbilingual advocateMaria serves as the Bilingual Advocate for the Crime Victim Assistance Center.
From an immigrant family, she was born in Mexico and raised in Eastland. She has been married to her soulmate, Mario, for 17 years and loves being a mom to their three teens: Jhermie, Shanti and Terrick. Her hobbies include thrift shopping (AKA "therapy"), hair and makeup, flipping furniture, and singing karaoke. She is a 8-year veteran for the Eastland County Crisis Center, who also volunteered for 2 years. Her career goals are to grow the agency's Comadres program, which she founded in 2015. Her role model is her mother, who she says is the hardest-working, strongest and most caring person she knows. Favorite quote: “Lo que no me mata me alimenta.” -Frida Kahlo |

Samantha Guthrie
Victim Services Advocate/ Forensic Interviewer
Samantha serves as the Victim Service Specialist I for the Children’s Advocacy Center.
She earned her Bachelor’s in Political Science with and emphasis in Legal Studies from Tarleton State University in 2018. In 2021 she received her Master’s in Criminal Justice from Tarleton State University. Over the last 6 years Samantha has worked as a 911 dispatcher, investigator for DFPS, and a family advocate for a non- profit pre- school. Samantha’s ultimate career goal is to be a voice for families and children in need. Throughout her career she has strived to connect with and support individuals in some of the hardest and unpredictable times of their lives.
In her free time Samantha volunteers in the Children’s Ministry at her church. She also loves spending time with her friends, family. If not working you can often find Samantha reading on the couch with her two cats or hiking with her husband and dog. Samantha’s role model is her grandmother who passed away in 2020. Samantha contributes her passion for others and her ability to connect with families and children to her Meme.
Favorite quote: “Never believe that a few caring people can’t change the world. For, indeed, that’s all who ever have”. -Margaret Mead